The best self-help is…
(This was originally written in November 2003, but it seems like a good time to…
Thank goodness for mistakes
I’ve made a mistake or two…gazillion. Thank goodness. People seem to be naturally mistake-averse. Mistakes…
Three lessons that kids teach us…even green ones
There are about 80 kids in the sunroom on the other side of the wall…
Sharing originality
When I open up a new Word document, I am immediately greeted with a prompt,…
What I knew then…or didn’t
You know the old expression, “I wish I knew then what I know now.” To…
The humility of reading…there is nothing new under the sun
I am pretty sure that I am remembering this correctly. It was a dozen years…
Super Bole Sunday
Today is a big day for a lot of people, a reason for parties, celebrations,…
Life’s dirt roads
To get to the location of the leadership retreat required a four-hour drive, the last…
Wisdom…it is closer than you think
I was amused by a meme in LinkedIn. The stark message was spelled out in…
Showing respect…in ways large and small
Everyone at the alumni celebration had a chicken dish on their menu and the wait…