Blog: Empowered Living
Growing Up and Growing On
My three sons now reside in three different cities, and I’m an officially an empty…
Safety or Resilience
I received an invitation today to an event where the speaker’s goal is to make…
Father and Son … and Son
A song, a son and … (more)
Lacey’s Lessons in Passing
We called her “goose,” (short for “silly goose”), “Ms. Priss” (because she was), and…
Finding Your Niche is Like Finding Your Stride
Finding your niche is like finding your stride…you can’t do it standing still. That is…
Here’s to Not Being a “Level” Person
Being “level” is not always the best way to accomplish things, achieve happiness, deal with…
Creator Moments
Once again I shared the story of my middle son sitting next to God, and…
Daddin’ … a movement?
“You have a movement,” the pastor said. I hadn’t thought about it that way. The…
Failing to Listen: A tragic shortcoming
I was shocked to hear that the CEO of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center was…
Life Changes You … no kidding!
One of the outcomes of the LIFElines process is being able to see your life…