One of the special needs adult clients at the nonprofit that I work for loves to share his “what I’m going to do” scenarios. They are common topics, whether the future involves living at the nonprofit when new homes are built, or helping on an upcoming project, or bowling in two days; he always has thoughts to share on what he is going to do in the future.
I have waxed on in this newsletter and other places about the error of wishing we were further into the future than right now, particularly the story of the customer at the grocery store that I worked at as a kid. I expressed to the customer that “I can’t wait until I turn 18,” and he replied, “You’re wishing your life away, young man.” …wisdom I’ll always remember. But the young man that I’m talking about expresses his future thoughts in different ways, but he does so almost continuously.
The other day, he was sharing one of his “I’m going to do” thoughts with one of the staff members, who replied, “Live in the moment, man. You gotta enjoy the moment.”
Indeed. Good reminder.
Live in the moment, notice the moment, relish the moment, be thankful for the moment, observe in the moment, love in the moment, engage your senses in the moment…and your life will change.