I have in mind more ideas, plans, projects, dreams, causes to support and people to assist than I have years to accomplish them. There are shortcuts on some of them, like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to help finance all those things.

The other day, my youngest son and I were chatting about some plans that I had. The ideas are solid; the finances…not so much. So, I trotted out my oft-used line that he is quite familiar with:  “When I win the lotto…”

We both chuckled. I use the expression much more than I play the game of chance. He smiled and replied, “Yeah, so how’s that working for you?”


I think it is good to have the dreams, the ideas, the plans, the desire to help others. Those thoughts often keep my eye on good and right things.  Even if the aspirations are dependent on the against-all-odds of winning, they keep my imagination churning; because of those odds, they also keep me humble. I don’t “deserve” to win, nor to accomplish the long list of aspirations, any more than anyone else. That’s okay. I probably won’t make many of those things happen because of a combination of winning numbers, and that’s a good lesson, too.

The truth behind the question, “How’s that working for you?”, is that working with focus, and focusing on work, are what provide the best chance of achieving any dream, goal or aspiration.

I write this with very tired muscles from a full day’s work yesterday, striving to tame a few acres that are key to several of my dreams. Even the labors of a nearly-70 guy will likely not be enough to make all the visions come to pass. That’s okay, too.

Dream. Aspire. Keep a good heart and a generous spirit. Accomplish what you can. Work.

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