Dorothy died about a month ago, leaving behind a husband of 65 years. Never a smoker, she was diagnosed with Stage Four lung cancer. She fought hard, but cancer has its ways. Her husband, Stan, was allowed to leave the hospital on the day of her funeral; he was being watched for some heart issues.

His funeral was one month after hers. His heart issue was likely partly health related and largely heart-brokenness. Of course, his death certificate will not include anything about sorrow, sadness or broken heart.

Love, and the loss thereof, are powerful forces, which are often taken for granted. The story of Dorothy and Stan serves as a reminder of what to not take for granted, and that both life and love are time-limited in our mortal lives. Perhaps we can honor them, and couples like them, by pausing to appreciate the beloved people we have in our lives because we will not have them forever.

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