Empowering and Inspirational


women's conference pearls

See differently…to change perspectives…in order to grow authentically.

“Dion McInnis is an outstanding speaker. He is clear, articulate, humorous and talks on fascinating subjects.. He is down-to-earth, witty, and relates well to audiences. I have seen an audience held spell-bound with his words and gestures and the brilliance of his thoughts. His blogs are full of insights that originate from everyday events and the life that surrounds us. He has the capability of taking the routine, focusing on it and deriving lessons that benefit us all if we but know where and how to look. Any event planner who is looking for a speaker or workshop coordinator to provide value, interest and a learning experience, should engage him in an event.”

Robert Sholly, Colonel,  USA  Ret. – Co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize 1988, speaker and best-selling author.


Why am I so passionate, enthusiastic, optimistic and committed to sharing with you and your team?  Quite simply, because God allows me to draw breath to use my God-given abilities to empower and inspire others to use their God-given abilities to find the courage, strength, joy, happiness and success they desire because of the lives they’ve lived, not despite them.

My primary topics provide common sense, humane, optimistic, respectful approaches that empower individuals and maximize teams to be more successful, productive and effective. If you live in the real world and engage with other human beings, these presentations will inspire and inform you how to create an organizational culture that produces, celebrate your own life while caring for others and effecting change through three simple steps every day.

See how your life experiences can empower you, strengthen you, inspire you, motivate you and hold the keys to true joy.


Prepare to Live Fully Because of the Life You’ve Had, Not Despite It

Engage, inspire, motivate, focus and empower your members, audiences and yourself with this presentation based on my LIFElines model and tools that reveal that in each person’s life experiences are the wisdom, courage, strength, love and skills need to find one’s purpose, direction, life story, passion and voice.  This topic is available as a presentation or workshop.

Three Daily Actions to Effect Change in Work, Life and Community

You can effect change in your personal and professional life, no matter how minor or significant you want the change to be, by remembering three actions to make part of every day. There are three things to do, and one way to do it.  Use this engaging, insightful, practicable presentation for any audience seeking to make changes:  nonprofit teams and leaders, fundraisers, sales staff, volunteers, business team members, etc. Each presentation uses the key elements and stories, but are focused on the goals of the audience and its needs. This presentation is available as a presentation, including as a keynote topic for fundraising or community engagement events.

More Insights Into My Messages and Who I Am

Listen to the concept behind Daddin’ and my reading of the last chapter which is primarily a love letter to my then not-yet-born first granddaughter.

One of the best ways to see is to…listen.  My first book, Listen to Life: Wisdom in Life’s Stories, reminds us that everything we need to know about everything we need to know about can be found by listening to life.  The book of stories illustrates that while “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” (Buddhist wisdom), for those who listen…teachers are everywhere. Enjoy this presentation “Life is Wonderful…enjoy it and share it.”

All my topics comes from wisdom found in my LIFElines, so, of course, LIFElines also makes a great topic for your team, organization or association.

The key to all my topics, workshops and coaching is looking at the positive, the beautiful and the sublime in each and every moment.  You, your family, your business team, your organization members … all can find happiness and success when looking for beauty in the moment, at each other and in the potential of everyone.

I can’t NOT mention my workshops for photographers. My life has flowed around and through photography. Check out the workshops/presentations here.
