Want to make someone’s day?  Especially a kid’s?

I digress.

The scene in the movie showed a guy coming up to bat in an adult recreational league baseball game. No one else there knows that he is actually a professional baseball player in hiding, except his five-year old son. The guy takes two good pitches without moving his bat. Then he turns, looks at his boy who is sitting next to a woman they have befriended and winks at him. Excitedly, the kid looks to the woman and lets her in on the “secret.” “He’s going to hit it!” he exclaims. The guy knocks the next pitch out of the park.

My heart melts. There is something special about a wink. Giving or getting. I recall times my dad winked at me and times that I would wink at my sons. For a kid, the wink is the passport to the inner circle, the tip on insider information, the secret handshake…all rolled up into one action. Part of the secret of the wink’s power is infrequent use and perfect timing. Overuse robs the wink of its power. And its charm.

Even in adulthood, there is a special connection made with a well-timed wink in the right circumstances. Some people dish them out like a dealer passing out cards at a poker table. Wrong. The recipient must feel special for having received the special communique.

Want to make someone’s day?  And especially a kid’s? Share with them the special connection that is a wink.

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