There are about 80 kids in the sunroom on the other side of the wall of the room in which I am currently sitting. Thank goodness they are quiet. Very quiet.

They are not two-legged kids. They have roots instead of appendages and it is the time of year to get them into action. They are seedlings that bask under a grow light, awaiting the day, like all kids, to go out on their own. Tomato and cucumber seedlings are racing to see who can grow fastest; wild strawberries have leaves the size of pin heads; luffas are pushing through the dirt with broad leaves while the green beans make their entry in a folded position. Other members of the green clan of kiddos include basil, chives, onions and a couple of different flowers who should make good companions. Bringing these seeds to life offers a few opportunities to grow personally, just like raising human kids, as we develop and learn together.

Not everyone develops and matures at the same pace in the same way; some take more nurturing and assistance than others; all require time and patience to develop to the best of their unique traits and abilities. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks.

Be proud in the moment of progress to date. Do not wait until they are mature to acknowledge progress, growth and development. They will develop as they are capable, which may or may not be exactly how we envisioned…be proud anyway.

In life, it will take effort to push through and find sunlight, literally and metaphorically. There will be times of abundance and times of scarcity; there will be times when we produce and times when we yield nothing for our efforts. Persist. Grow. Never surrender.

In a few weeks, these quickly changing little green kids will be moved out to their adult lives. It will be exciting to see what happens as the lessons of patience, pride and persistence continue for the duration of their lives, just like for our human kids.

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